• 邵氏继黄梅调电影之后,再一次领导古装歌唱电影风潮。由袁秋枫执导的《山歌姻缘》,特色乃是将中国各地民谣谱成山歌;全片四十余首歌曲,由静婷、江宏幕后代唱,每一首皆悦耳动听,脍炙人口。本片于台湾拍摄,更是何莉莉从影的处女作。剧情讲述,采茶姑娘宋玉兰(杜娟)与渔郎李春阳(乔庄)两情相悦,惟皇亲胡国丈之子胡三宝(葛小宝)垂涎玉兰美色,意图横刀夺爱,趁玉兰与春阳成婚之日,秘密将春阳推下虎狼山崖……邵氏继黄梅调电影之后,再一次领导古装歌唱电影风潮。由袁秋枫执导的《山歌姻缘》,特色乃是将中国各地民谣谱成山歌;全片四十余首歌曲,由静婷、江宏幕后代唱,每一首皆悦耳动听,脍炙人口。本片于台湾拍摄,更是何莉莉从影的处女作。剧情讲述,采茶姑娘宋玉兰(杜娟)与渔郎李春阳(乔庄)两情相悦,惟皇亲胡国丈之子胡三宝(葛小宝)垂涎玉兰美色,意图横刀夺爱,趁玉兰与春阳成婚之日,秘密将春阳推下虎狼山崖……
  • ◎译名太极门◎片名Duel at the Supreme Gate◎年代1968◎国家中国香港◎类别动作剧情◎语言普通话◎字幕英文◎IMDB评分 5.910 (11 votes)◎IMDB链接 httpwww.imdb.comtitlett0884747◎文件格式XviD MP3◎视频尺寸608 x 256◎文件大小1CD 49 x 15MB◎片长013106◎导演袁秋枫 Qiufeng Yuan◎主演雷震 Kelly Lai Chen  ....Sun Tai Yong乐蒂 Di Le  ....Yuk Bin张扬 Yang Zhang  ....Nam Chee周小来 Siu Loi Chow郝履仁 Ho Lee Yan石坚 Shih Kien  ....Kuan (as Kin Sek)任浩 Ho Yam◎简介After a troublesome misunderstanding with several students, Binreceives the pill she needs from the Sky King's senior studentChee Chun Nam but returns too late to save her master. What'sworse, it is revealed that she is actually the killer's daughter andtherefore can no longer reside at Supreme Gate as a clan rule. Evendefending the clan from a challenge by former clansman Sun Tai Yong isnot enough to persuade them to let her stay.Bin becomes an unarmed outcast but not for long. Nam, who has trailedher all the way to the Supreme Gate, has fallen in love with thedistraught swordswoman and offers her a golden flute sword forprote